The Rotary Action Group Against Slavery
What R.A.G.A.S does:
The Rotary Action Group Against Slavery is committed to connect, empower and equip Rotarians to engage their communities to eradicate all forms of Modern Slavery/Human Trafficking locally and around the globe.
How they do it:
We have developed a Community Awareness and Prevention Education (CAPE) Plan, which will equip and empower our members to execute local Community Awareness & Prevention Education projects in their communities – and around the world. RAGAS will assist members to connect with other like-minded Rotarians to take action to end human trafficking/modern slavery:
Why they do it:
Freedom is a basic human right. We believe that collectively, we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues and because the world should be FREE of Modern Slavery/Human Trafficking. Without freedom, individuals and communities cannot achieve basic education, economic development, or peace.
RAGAS Members, Clubs and Districts work together to promote education, peace, freedom, and healing in the world.